Saturday, April 5, 2014

Swedish Daydreams

Hi everyone,  I'm sorry I've been away so long.  I just was making minis and you know how the time just slips away.  Its spring and all I can think of is Sweden, I have never been, but seeing pictures and hearing about their outlook on life sure makes me want to go.   I read all the Swedish blogs and most of my ideas come from pieces I see from Sweden.  I think if I had to choose, Sweden would be number 2 in my book of places to live, (sorry but number 1 for me is Paris, I think you understand why).  When I think of Sweden I think of the beautiful curvy Mora clocks.  They have to be some of the most beautiful clocks.  I have always wanted one, maybe some day......   
 Here is a real Mora clock, beautiful.
 Here is my mini version of a Mora clock.  I love the way this came out.  Now this is a Mora clock.  Too bad it already sold, but not to worry, more are coming.  So if you love this clock just be patient.
 My next love Vellum books, I have a small collection under glass.  I fell in love with them years ago and every time I see one, I snatch it up.  I love the creamy colors and the French writing.  Here is my mini version of Vellum books.  I love them!!!!! Two different styles and the books really open to reveal blank pages.  Wouldn't it be fun to put your secret in one of these mini books.

(source: unknown)
Here are real French Vellum books, so beautiful!!!!!
Ok I'm off to make more minis,  be sure to check out the shop on Etsy.
Make it a great day....